Sedation Dentistry – Plainville, CT
Calming Your Dental Anxiety

Does the idea of an upcoming dental appointment fill you with nervousness, anxiety, or outright fear? At Central Connecticut Dental Group, we understand that some patients need a bit of help relaxing at the dentist’s office, and that’s why we prioritize your comfort above all else. If our upbeat, gentle team isn’t enough to soothe your worries, we offer dental sedation to make getting the treatment you need easier than ever. If you need help calming your dental anxiety, contact our practice and ask about sedation dentistry!
Why Choose Central CT Dental Group for Sedation Dentistry?
- Exceptional Customer Service
- Gentle Dentists with Several Decades of Experience
- Community-Focused, Family-Friendly Dental Practice
Nitrous Oxide Sedation

You might know nitrous oxide by its nickname “laughing gas,” which it earned due to the light, giggly feelings it produces. We’ll deliver this odorless gas through a small mask that we place over your nose, and you should begin to feel more relaxed and content within minutes. Once we’ve completed your treatment, we can simply remove the mask, and the sedative’s effects should wear off just as quickly as they came about. This makes nitrous oxide a great option for patients who need to return to their busy schedules right after their appointments.